Friday, February 25, 2011

LoveColour is finally getting a big makeover

After having the portfolio site live for over 2 years and hardly making a single update to it, I decided to start from scratch and build a whole new design.
With uni work and client work during the holidays I've had little time to really sit down and come up with something new. This year however, I've finally made the commitment. The web-site is almost done, and should be going up live before the end of March.

This new web-site is going to be more simplistic and less all-over-the-show as the previous one was. At the same time it'll be alot more interactive, and more dynamic. Updates include panning, better viewing options, inclusion of HTML pages rather than plain Flash, and of course more work examples. The new site also has a much faster loading time.

Here's a sneak preview of what the new website will look like as opposed to the old.

Old Version

New Version

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